
metal construction, ‘Barrisol’ polyamide sheet components computer projection, holophonic sound field, laser sensors, mechanism enabling the movement of two spheres shaping the sheet, analogue‐digital converter of movement, hardware and software developed by the artist, laser sensors, sound field technique computer simulation software TDI, Explore, Alias Wavefront hardware Silicon graphics, 4,5 x 5 x 8 m / 13,5 x 3,6 x 1 m
Tacuzcanzcan, City Gallery Prague, Old Town Hall, Prague, Czech Republic, 1997; the Jindřich Chalupecký Award for 1997 – Veronika Bromová, Jiří Černický, Federico Díaz, Roman Franta, Jiří Příhoda, Old Royal Palace, Gothic Level, Prague, Czech Republic, 1997; Lanterne magique, artistes tcheques et nouvelles technologies, Hall des Chars de La Laiterie, Strasbourg, France, 1998; L‘Art du Monde 98, Passage de Retz, Paris, France, 1998
Fermion is a specific architectonic intervention, a construction covered with plastic film. It divides the space and inserts an element which materialises the omnipresent existence of the gravitation field in its natural functioning. The surface of Fermion serves as a projection surface for the animation of an active point. The point is supported with a solid centre from which it expands and contracts. At the same time, the initial and final states of the point pulsation, which move against each other, are captured. Again, the process of the form transformation is a result of scanning visitors’ movements in the installation space. Besides generating visual perceptions, the extent of Ferminon’s communication is strengthened by the sound of which frequency again reacts to the visitor’s closeness.