Dehibernation I, II
steel, duralumin, aluminum, steel, synthetic materials, components: 92 broadband speakers and amplifiers, DCA amplifiers, 1 x Bose – Canonwave, 1 x amplifier 1800 W, data projector, software: TDI, Explore, Alias Wavefront, software developed by the artist, 600 x 400 x 300 cm
Netz Europa, Landesgalerie am O. Ö. Landesmuseum Francisco Carolinum, Austria Tabakwerke, Linz, Austria, 1994; Bienále mladého umění (Biennale of Young Art), City Gallery Prague, Dům U Kamenného zvonu (House at the Stone Bell), Prague, Czech Republic, 1994
Milan Guštar
It is a particularly created space equipped with six interconnected sets of 92 speakers which play abundantly structured sounds of various frequencies and a mix of words in different languages at the same time. Besides the acoustic perceptions, the installation effect is visual and haptic which is caused by the characteristics of the material construction of the artwork. It is the first Díaz’s holophonic space.
Dehibernation has been exhibited at the Biennale of Young Artists in Prague City Gallery in 1994 and the exhibition Netz Europa in Linz, Austria.