Lambda print, plastic, carbon and composite material, Real Flow software, ink painting – Japanese ink, rice paper, 176 x 100 cm
Resonance, Zdeněk Sklenář Gallery, Prague, Czech Republic, 2007, Prostor pro intuici / Room for Intuition, City Gallery Prague, House at the Golden Ring, Prague, Czech Republic 2007, Frac Centre Orleans, permanent collection, from 2013
Frac Centre Orléans
Marie-Ange Brayer, Martin Ličko, Frédéric Migayrou
The project Resonance represents the fundamental line of Díaz’s thinking about the human’s sense of belonging to his environment which is not perceived on the basic level of seen and felt reality only but as some higher level – an augmented space of existence in which reality positively collides with the illusion and virtuality. This environment which is not possible to perceive with senses is manifested through resonant membranes of the world and the human. According to Díaz, human membranes are body and mind. There is an imprint of deeper levels of matter and energy on these membranes. Through the analysis of resulting vibrations, Díaz penetrates the field of natural sciences examination. The research results are visualised by the Real Flow software and subsequently materialised through the technology of rapid prototyping and ink painting.